Senin, 26 September 2011

How to prevent blocking of SEtool TOP cards (sn from 177500 and above)

How to prevent blocking of SEtool TOP cards (sn from 177500 and above)

As there is too much "blocked" setool2 GEMALTO TOP cards,we investigated issue and found problem.

due to errors in controller firmware 
( or due to incompatibility between smartcard/controller firmware/motherboard usb controller )
all smartcard readers i know, which are based on CY7C63001 are failed to send long data packet to/from smartcard.
it happens on some systems only, it can happen not immediately, but on "affected" system it happens always, earlier or later.

due to that, smartcard will receive WRONG command and SETOOL2 WILL BE "BLOCKED".

i can not find ANY solution to that problem, other than NOT using Cypress CY7C63001-based readers with setool2 cards.

here is few pictures of AFFECTED readers:
CY7C63001.jpg CY7C63001_MXKEY.jpg

you can also identify such reader by smartcard reader name and driver name: 

if you will use that readers, your setool2 smartcard WILL BE BLOCKED - and i will unblock such card ONLY ONCE.

my strong recommendation is use omnikey-based readers, like that:
omnikey_bottom.jpg omnikey_top.jpg
they are working 100% on any system.

of course, usage of latest setool2 version is ABSOLUTE requirement.


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